Amalgam/ Metal Removal

If there are still amalgam fillings in your teeth and you – as we expressly recommend – want to separate from all hazardous toxins in your mouth, we offer an advanced and safe method for this purpose. We have special tools that enable us to ensure the complete removal of foreign materials with the highest possible safety standards.

All amalgam is removed from your mouth by us under special suction systems, so that no particles can enter your organism. A rubber dam protection, which we apply around the areas to be treated, provides additional protection during the detoxification process. During the procedure, we provide you with infusions and oxygen so that your body is constantly supplied with everything it needs.

We strictly adhere to the recommendations of the DEGUZ (German Society for Environmental Dentistry). Once all foreign substances have been removed from your jaw, we use Primescan, a state-of-the-art digital intraoral scanner system, to measure the current situation of your teeth. This allows us to capture your complete mouth and tooth structure with maximum precision within minutes. This technique enables us to determine an exact fit for the subsequent restoration with inlays, implants, and precise crowns. For you as a patient, this procedure is much more comfortable and hygienic, as you do not have to keep any unpleasant impression materials in your mouth.

With our Primemill system, an innovative high-tech milling machine, we have the possibility to manufacture your dental prosthesis quickly and on-site so that it closely resembles the natural tooth. The surfaces are smooth and aesthetically very appealing. You save time, and we can guarantee a smooth hand-in-hand process in our practice.